Thursday, December 18, 2008

Coming to a Mailbox near you

Yes, this picture of "Colton the Elf" should be arriving in your mailbox any day now. A friend of Mommy's, Donna Meneley from A Moment in Time Photography, took these pictures of us at the beach. I look pretty cute, if I do say so myself. : - )

Colton the Elf

Daddy, me & Mommy at the beach

Daddy and I -- I love to be this tall!

The Werders at the beach

Sunday, December 14, 2008

8th Months Old!!

I'm eight months old today!! I've got two bottom teeth making their way in. It's been a very exciting week.

Earlier this week, Mommy & Daddy took me to see Santa Claus at his day job at the Mall. I didn't think he came this far south but there he was. And the wiskers were real -- I pulled on them just to make sure he was the real deal! And we even have matching hats! Here's a photo and a video of the adventure. Merry Christmas!!

Colton with Santa, December 8, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

A busy fall in Florida

I know I'm behind in my blogging but it's really Mommy's fault -- I kept asking her to upload the new photos so I could get my blog done but she was a little busy with weddings so she's finally got the new photos up. As you'll see below, I was a skeleton for Halloween. We also visited a Pumpkin Patch.

I'm really enjoying "school" - I go once a week. You'll see a fun picture of me as a scarecrow that we made a school. And some other questions I'm sure you've been asking:
  • No teeth yet -- but I do enjoy chewing on everything in sight.
  • I'm sitting up all by myself. I don't think this is a big deal (I mean, I was blogging at 3 months old) but Mommy seems to think it's a milestone.
  • No, I'm not crawling yet - Daddy keeps trying to bribe me with food & toys but I just mess with him by grabbing something closer so I don't have to work so hard.
  • I do say DaDa and MaMa but just in babbling - not really to them - I could direct my comments to them but it's fun to make them guess if I'm talking to them or the chair.
Grandma Betty came to visit in early November for a long weekend and Dee Dee and Doo Doo came for Thanksgiving. It was great to see them all!! I miss you Grandpa Dennis! I'm looking forward to Christmas and getting to see all my grandparents right after Christmas!!

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the photos!


My scarecrow at school.

In my Halloween pajamas.

This is my Halloween costume - A skeleton with a big heart. Like my ghost bib?

At the Pumpkin Patch - Ok, Mom, hurry up - this stuff I'm sitting on is getting itchy!