Thursday, December 18, 2008

Coming to a Mailbox near you

Yes, this picture of "Colton the Elf" should be arriving in your mailbox any day now. A friend of Mommy's, Donna Meneley from A Moment in Time Photography, took these pictures of us at the beach. I look pretty cute, if I do say so myself. : - )

Colton the Elf

Daddy, me & Mommy at the beach

Daddy and I -- I love to be this tall!

The Werders at the beach

Sunday, December 14, 2008

8th Months Old!!

I'm eight months old today!! I've got two bottom teeth making their way in. It's been a very exciting week.

Earlier this week, Mommy & Daddy took me to see Santa Claus at his day job at the Mall. I didn't think he came this far south but there he was. And the wiskers were real -- I pulled on them just to make sure he was the real deal! And we even have matching hats! Here's a photo and a video of the adventure. Merry Christmas!!

Colton with Santa, December 8, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

A busy fall in Florida

I know I'm behind in my blogging but it's really Mommy's fault -- I kept asking her to upload the new photos so I could get my blog done but she was a little busy with weddings so she's finally got the new photos up. As you'll see below, I was a skeleton for Halloween. We also visited a Pumpkin Patch.

I'm really enjoying "school" - I go once a week. You'll see a fun picture of me as a scarecrow that we made a school. And some other questions I'm sure you've been asking:
  • No teeth yet -- but I do enjoy chewing on everything in sight.
  • I'm sitting up all by myself. I don't think this is a big deal (I mean, I was blogging at 3 months old) but Mommy seems to think it's a milestone.
  • No, I'm not crawling yet - Daddy keeps trying to bribe me with food & toys but I just mess with him by grabbing something closer so I don't have to work so hard.
  • I do say DaDa and MaMa but just in babbling - not really to them - I could direct my comments to them but it's fun to make them guess if I'm talking to them or the chair.
Grandma Betty came to visit in early November for a long weekend and Dee Dee and Doo Doo came for Thanksgiving. It was great to see them all!! I miss you Grandpa Dennis! I'm looking forward to Christmas and getting to see all my grandparents right after Christmas!!

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the photos!


My scarecrow at school.

In my Halloween pajamas.

This is my Halloween costume - A skeleton with a big heart. Like my ghost bib?

At the Pumpkin Patch - Ok, Mom, hurry up - this stuff I'm sitting on is getting itchy!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Very exciting news -- I can now roll over AND roll back -- I don't get stuck anymore (well, most of the time).

Getting ready to roll.

OK, here I go!

Ta Da! Wow, that's tiring. Time for a nap!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Life's a Beach

Mom & Dad took me to the beach last week -- it was a beautiful day in Naples. Here's a few pictures of our time at the beach.

Dad and I under the tiki umbrella in the shade.

Yeah, Yeah, great view -- where's that bottle -- it's so cool!

I love to be tall!! Daddy holding me up to the sky!

Mummy & I -- I forgot my hat so Daddy lent me his.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So I was hanging in my baseball gear -- my Cubs romper with my Red Sox pacifier and ball -- and I was thinking . . .

"wouldn't it be cool if the Cubs played the Red Sox in the World Series?"
"That would be great!"

"What?!! What do you mean the Cubs lost?? Say it ain't so, Joe!"

"This ball tastes good."

"Well, at least the Red Sox are still in it. Sorry Dada!"

Monday, October 6, 2008

Traveling Baby on the go again

Well, I was off traveling again -- on my 9th and 10th airplane -- to Boston and back. Grandma Betty is pretty sure I have the most frequent flier miles for a 5 month old. This time, I went to visit DeeDee and DooDoo with Mummy. Uncle Rob, Aunt Stacey and my cousins Mia & Parker were there too -- we had lots of fun! We even went to the zoo!

Here I am being camera shy with Mia & Parker

Mia & Parker at the zoo -- "it's my bear" "no, it's my bear"

With cousin Laura at the zoo

Just looking cute at the zoo

On the plane ride home -- I'm exhausted!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'm 5 months old!

I'm a little behind on my blogging but I've been very busy. I started "school" last week -- we have story time, music sessions, and of course play time with other babies. I'm going once a week. I'm also going to physical therapy to work on my neck -- I tend to lean to the right so my neck muscles on the left side need to be stretched and strengthened. In only a couple weeks, my rotation has improved so this should really help my golf swing.

I've also been busy playing with my friends, hanging out with Mummy & Daddy and playing in my jumperoo and exersaucer. So you can see, the life of a five month old does not leave much time for blogging. Enjoy some recent photos of my escapades.

Yes, I am quite cute, don't ya think?

First time in my stroller like a big boy.

On my five month birthday!
Five months old today!

Hanging out in my jumperoo.

At the beach with Mummy. I'm hot - can we leave now?

At the beach with Dada. Seriously, this black umbrella really isn't doing much.
Can we go back to the air conditioning now?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm eating cereal in my highchair!!

I started eating cereal this week. Not real sure about this stuff -- it's kinda mushy. Mommy started laughing while she was videotaping Daddy feeding me. Guess I was making some faces -- you would too if you were eating this stuff. Hey Mommy, where's my bottle??!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

This is how I roll

Recently I rolled over onto my tummy for the first time. Little problem though -- I couldn't figure out how to roll back. Here's a couple photos of how I roll.
Rolling AND stuck

Hey, Mommy, could you put that camera down and get me unstuck? Thanks.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Four Months Old!

Last week I celebrated my 4 month birthday!
Here are some photos from the big day.
Happy Birthday to me!

Yes, my hair is growing in and looking a little red.
And how 'bout those lips?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Playing - my favorite part of the day

Not much to do in the life of a baby -- sleeping, eating, pooping, blogging -- and my favorite -- playing! Here's some pictures of me playing with my favorite toys this week.

This playmat I borrowed from my cousins Mia & Parker and added a few toys of my own. I like to roll from side to side on this but haven't bothered to roll all the way over yet.

This lion tastes good.
In my Baby Einstein exersaucer (propped up with a blanket). I can even (sort of) throw my Red Sox ball with Daddy.

I got 3 bunnies on this baby slot machine and no money came out.

Happy chillin' in my swing.

Playing with my favorite toy - Daddy!

After a long day of playing, napping in my bouncy seat with Ellie the elephant (a gift from cousin Nikki).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Friends

Thought I would share a couple pictures of my friends with you. This is Ella & I - Ella is 2 months older than me although you can't tell - we're about the same size.

This is Daddy holding both Ella & I -- and trying not to lose his grip on me.

This is me with my friend Sydney playing in her gym while Mommy was visiting with her Mom Samantha. (You can call me Bruiser) Sydney was born one week after me.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to The Colton Blog. I'm Colton Werder, I'm 3 1/2 months old and this is my blog. It's primarily for my family and friends (especially the grandparents) but if you found your way here by accident, feel free to take a look around. I'll be posting lots of photos and videos. And if I happen to mis-spell a word here and there, keep in mind that I haven't yet mastered the English language yet.

Be sure to check out my friend Ella Love on Shari Bare's blog - you'll find a link on the right.

I'm hoping to post every Sunday and Wednesday (got to wait until the parents are in bed to get on the computer.) Enjoy and Check Back Often!