Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'm 5 months old!

I'm a little behind on my blogging but I've been very busy. I started "school" last week -- we have story time, music sessions, and of course play time with other babies. I'm going once a week. I'm also going to physical therapy to work on my neck -- I tend to lean to the right so my neck muscles on the left side need to be stretched and strengthened. In only a couple weeks, my rotation has improved so this should really help my golf swing.

I've also been busy playing with my friends, hanging out with Mummy & Daddy and playing in my jumperoo and exersaucer. So you can see, the life of a five month old does not leave much time for blogging. Enjoy some recent photos of my escapades.

Yes, I am quite cute, don't ya think?

First time in my stroller like a big boy.

On my five month birthday!
Five months old today!

Hanging out in my jumperoo.

At the beach with Mummy. I'm hot - can we leave now?

At the beach with Dada. Seriously, this black umbrella really isn't doing much.
Can we go back to the air conditioning now?

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